Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 2021.61

Contribution org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.MainContribution--widgets

This contribution is part of XML component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.MainContribution inside nuxeo-platform-forms-layout-client-2021.61.12.jar /OSGI-INF/layouts-contrib.xml

Extension Point

Extension point widgets of component LayoutStore.

Registration Order

The registration order represents the order in which this contribution was registered on its target extention point. This will impact the override/merge behaviour when it is implemented on the target service, and is useful for proper customization of existing contributions.
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).

Contributed Items

  • <widget name="escape" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Escape</label>
            <label mode="any">
              If set to false, the held value will not be escaped.
              For instance if it contains HTML tags, they will be
              rendered as part of
              the rendered HTML page instead of being rendered as text content.
              Defaults to true.
            <option itemLabel="Yes (default value)" itemValue="true"/>
            <option itemLabel="No" itemValue="false"/>
  • <widget name="style" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Style</label>
  • <widget name="styleClass" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Style class</label>
  • <widget name="subStyleClass" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Sub style class</label>
  • <widget name="subItemStyleClass" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Sub item style class</label>
  • <widget name="title" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Title</label>
            <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
            <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>
  • <widget name="text_localize" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Localize</label>
            <label mode="any">
              If set to true, the held value will be translated.
              This property cannot be an EL expression, it will only resolve literal
              values 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to false. Available since 5.5.
            <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
  • <widget name="accesskey" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Access key</label>
  • <widget name="alt" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Alt</label>
  • <widget name="dir" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Direction</label>
            <option itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
            <option itemLabel="Left to right" itemValue="LTR"/>
            <option itemLabel="Right to left" itemValue="RTL"/>
  • <widget name="placeholder" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Placeholder</label>
            <label mode="any">
              String representing a short hint (a word or short
              intended to aid the user with data entry.
  • <widget name="disabled" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Disabled</label>
  • <widget name="immediate" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Immediate</label>
            <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
            <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>
  • <widget name="lang" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Lang</label>
  • <widget name="maxlength" type="int">
            <label mode="any">Max length</label>
  • <widget name="required" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Required</label>
  • <widget name="size" type="int">
            <label mode="any">Size</label>
          <controls mode="any">
            <control name="deprecatedVersion">6.0</control>
            <control name="deprecatedDescription">Size must now be set in css, not with the size attribute</control>
  • <widget name="validator" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Validator</label>
  • <widget name="valueChangeListener" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Value change listener</label>
  • <widget name="redisplay" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Redisplay</label>
  • <widget name="textarea_cols" type="int">
            <label mode="any">Number of columns</label>
  • <widget name="textarea_rows" type="int">
            <label mode="any">Number of rows</label>
  • <widget name="datetime_pattern" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Pattern</label>
            <label mode="any">
              String pattern for the date and time, as described by
              the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, and as used in the standard
              DateTimeConverter. Default value is "MMM d, yyyy". Sample value:
              "#{nxu:basicDateFormatter()}" or "#{nxu:basicDateAndTimeFormatter()}".
  • <widget name="datetime_timeZone" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Time zone</label>
            <label mode="any">
              String timeZone ID. The server time zone is
              used if not
  • <widget name="datetime_format" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Format</label>
            <label mode="any">
              String format for the date and time, as described by
              the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, and as used in the standard
              DateTimeConverter. Default value is "MMM d, yyyy". Sample value:
              "#{nxu:basicDateFormatter()}" or "#{nxu:basicDateAndTimeFormatter()}".
  • <widget name="datetime_locale" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Locale</label>
            <label mode="any">
              String representing the locale to use for
              the calendar.
              Current locale is used if not set.
            <option itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
            <option itemLabel="Catalan" itemValue="ca"/>
            <option itemLabel="Chinese" itemValue="cn"/>
            <option itemLabel="Czech" itemValue="cz"/>
            <option itemLabel="Deutsch" itemValue="de"/>
            <option itemLabel="English" itemValue="en"/>
            <option itemLabel="Spanish" itemValue="es"/>
            <option itemLabel="French" itemValue="fr"/>
            <option itemLabel="Italiano" itemValue="it"/>
            <option itemLabel="Japanese" itemValue="jp"/>
            <option itemLabel="Nederlands" itemValue="nl"/>
            <option itemLabel="Polish" itemValue="pl"/>
            <option itemLabel="Portuguese" itemValue="pt"/>
            <option itemLabel="Romanian" itemValue="ro"/>
            <option itemLabel="Russian" itemValue="ru"/>
            <option itemLabel="svenska" itemValue="sv"/>
  • <widget name="datetime_timeZone" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Time zone</label>
            <label mode="any">
              String timeZone ID. The server time zone is used if
              not set.
  • <widget name="datetime_triggerImg" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Trigger image</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Image path to use for the trigger. Available since
  • <widget name="datetime_triggerLabel" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Trigger label</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Label to display on the trigger image. Defaults to
  • <widget name="datetime_triggerStyleClass" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Trigger style class</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Style class to set on the trigger button tag, defaults
              to 'calendarTrigger'.
  • <widget name="file_downloadLabel" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Download label</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Value binding that will be used as the download link
              value, and will attempt to be translated.
  • <widget name="file_iconRendered" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Icon rendered</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Boolean flag indicating whether or not the file icon
              should be rendered. Defaults to true.
            <option itemLabel="Yes (default value)" itemValue="true"/>
            <option itemLabel="No" itemValue="false"/>
  • <widget name="htmltext_disableHtmlInit" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Disable HTML init</label>
            <label mode="any">
              If set to true, the default display will be
              the text
              (not html editor). Available since 5.3.1.
            <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
            <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>
  • <widget name="htmltext_width" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Width</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The textarea width. Defaults to "640".
              Give the exact
              size in pixels or percentage.
  • <widget name="htmltext_height" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Height</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The textarea height. Defaults to "400".
              Give the exact
              size in pixels or percentage.
  • <widget name="htmltext_editorSelector" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Editor selector</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The class to use to identify text areas to turn into
              html editors. Defaults to "mceEditor". See the editor_selector option
              in TinyMCE
            <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
            <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>
  • <widget name="htmltext_configuration" type="textarea">
            <label mode="any">JSON configuration</label>
            <label mode="any">
              JSON configuration map for TinyMCE initialization, that will be merged
              with default configuration. Available since 8.1.
              Example: {"toolbar4": "paste"}
  • <widget name="directoryName" type="selectOneResource">
            <label mode="any">Vocabulary</label>
            <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
          <properties mode="any">
            <property name="resourceName">vocabularies</property>
          <properties widgetMode="any">
            <property name="required">true</property>
  • <widget name="directoryNameDemoPreview" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Vocabulary</label>
            <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
            <mode value="edit_demo_preview">view</mode>
          <properties widgetMode="any">
            <property name="required">true</property>
  • <widget name="directory_localize" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Localize</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Activate localization of vocabulary labels. Labels are
              translated as usual picking values in messages*.properties files.
              Database localization should also be activated if localized labels
              are provided by the vocabulary itself.
            <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
  • <widget name="directory_dbl10n" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Activate database localization</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Activate retrieval of localized labels in the
              vocabulary database, when translations are held by the directory
              itself, in fields with a label_[lang] pattern, and defaulting to
              label_en. Available since 6.0.
            <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
  • <widget name="directory_displayIdAndLabel" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Display id and label</label>
  • <widget name="directory_style" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Style</label>
  • <widget name="directory_cssStyle" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Style</label>
  • <widget name="directory_cssStyleClass" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Style class</label>
  • <widget name="directory_styleClass" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Style class</label>
  • <widget name="directory_displayObsoleteEntries" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Display obsolete entries</label>
  • <widget name="directory_notDisplayDefaultOption" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Do not display the default option</label>
            <label mode="any">
              True if there should not be displayed a "Please select
              a value" option
  • <widget name="directory_ordering" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Sort criterion</label>
            <option itemLabel="Label (default)" itemValue="label"/>
            <option itemLabel="Ordering" itemValue="ordering"/>
            <option itemLabel="Id" itemValue="id"/>
  • <widget name="complex_subwidgets_display" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Display</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The display attribute controls the rendering of
              subwidgets. Available since 5.4.2.
            <!-- block-like renderings available since 5.6 -->
            <option itemLabel="Block (label on the left, default)" itemValue="block_left"/>
            <option itemLabel="Block (label on top)" itemValue="block_top"/>
            <option itemLabel="Table" itemValue="table"/>
            <option itemLabel="In line" itemValue="inline"/>
  • <widget name="list_subwidgets_display" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Display</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The display attribute controls the rendering of
              subwidgets. Available since 5.4.2.
            <option itemLabel="Block (label on the left, default)" itemValue="block_left"/>
            <option itemLabel="Block (label on top)" itemValue="block_top"/>
            <option itemLabel="Table" itemValue="table"/>
            <option itemLabel="In line" itemValue="inline"/>
  • <widget name="subwidgets_hideSubLabels" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Hide subwidgets labels</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This attribute controls the rendering of subwidgets
              labels. Available since 5.4.2.
  • <widget name="list_diff" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Diff</label>
  • <widget name="list_orderable" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Orderable</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This attribute controls the possibility to order the
              items. Available since 5.5.
  • <widget name="list_hideDeleteButton" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Hide delete button</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This attribute controls the possibility to remove the
              'delete' button for each list item. Available since 5.6.
  • <widget name="list_hideAddButton" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Hide add button</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This attribute controls the possibility to remove the
              'add' button to add an item to the list. Available since 5.6.
  • <widget name="list_listTemplateItem" type="text">
            <label mode="any">List template item</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This attribute enables to control the template for
              each item that needs to be added to the list. In most common cases,
              this value is deduced from the field definition, using the expression:
              This needs to be adapted for subwidgets (when handling lists of lists
              for instance) or when using this widget on another object that a
              DocumentModel property. For instance, for a subwidget, you can use:
              Available since 5.6.
  • <widget name="list_removeEmpty" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Remove empty item(s)</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This boolean attribute allows to remove null items from the list on edit.
              Items are only removed when there are changes to the list items.
              Available since 7.3.
  • <widget name="list_number" type="int">
            <label mode="any">Number of open item(s)</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This integer attribute allows to set the number of new items that should
              be opened when displaying the list widget.
              Available since 7.3.
  • <widget name="list_addLabel" type="text">
            <label mode="any">'Add' action label</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This string attribute allows to configure the label used for
              the 'add' action on the list widget. It is translated if the widget
              is marked as translated.
              Available since 7.3.
  • <widget name="container_subwidgets_display" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Display</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The display attribute controls the rendering of
            <option itemLabel="Block (label on the left, default)" itemValue="block_left"/>
            <option itemLabel="Block (label on top)" itemValue="block_top"/>
            <option itemLabel="Table" itemValue="table"/>
            <option itemLabel="In line" itemValue="inline"/>
  • <widget name="container_subwidgets_hideSubLabels" type="checkbox">
            <label mode="any">Hide subwidgets labels</label>
            <label mode="any">
              This attribute controls the rendering of subwidgets
  • <widget name="widgetsDisplay" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Widgets Display</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The display attribute controls the rendering of
            <option itemLabel="Label on the left (default)" itemValue="label_left"/>
            <option itemLabel="Label on top" itemValue="label_top"/>
            <option itemLabel="No Label" itemValue="no_label"/>
  • <widget name="select_layout" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Layout</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The select layout binding.
            <option itemLabel="Line direction (default)" itemValue=""/>
            <option itemLabel="Page direction" itemValue="pageDirection"/>
            <option itemLabel="Line direction" itemValue="lineDirection"/>
  • <widget name="select_layout_page_default" type="selectOneListbox">
            <label mode="any">Layout</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The select layout binding.
            <option itemLabel="Page direction (default)" itemValue=""/>
            <option itemLabel="Page direction" itemValue="pageDirection"/>
            <option itemLabel="Line direction" itemValue="lineDirection"/>
  • <widget name="select_selectOptions" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Select Options</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The select options binding.
            <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
            <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
            <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>
  • <widget name="select_var" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Variable</label>
            <label mode="any">
              The variable name for select options expressions
              resolution. Usually defaults to 'item'.
  • <widget name="select_itemLabel" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Item label</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Expression referencing the variable name to display
              the option label.
  • <widget name="select_itemValue" type="text">
            <label mode="any">Item label</label>
            <label mode="any">
              Expression referencing the variable name to display
              the option id.

XML Source

<extension point="widgets" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.LayoutStore">

    <widget name="escape" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Escape</label>
        <label mode="any">
          If set to false, the held value will not be escaped.
          For instance if it contains HTML tags, they will be
          rendered as part of
          the rendered HTML page instead of being rendered as text content.
          Defaults to true.
        <option itemLabel="Yes (default value)" itemValue="true"/>
        <option itemLabel="No" itemValue="false"/>

    <widget name="style" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Style</label>

    <widget name="styleClass" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Style class</label>

    <widget name="subStyleClass" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Sub style class</label>

    <widget name="subItemStyleClass" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Sub item style class</label>

    <widget name="title" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Title</label>
        <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
        <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>

    <widget name="text_localize" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Localize</label>
        <label mode="any">
          If set to true, the held value will be translated.
          This property cannot be an EL expression, it will only resolve literal
          values 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to false. Available since 5.5.
        <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>

    <widget name="accesskey" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Access key</label>

    <widget name="alt" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Alt</label>

    <widget name="dir" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Direction</label>
        <option itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
        <option itemLabel="Left to right" itemValue="LTR"/>
        <option itemLabel="Right to left" itemValue="RTL"/>

    <widget name="placeholder" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Placeholder</label>
        <label mode="any">
          String representing a short hint (a word or short
          intended to aid the user with data entry.

    <widget name="disabled" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Disabled</label>

    <widget name="immediate" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Immediate</label>
        <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
        <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>

    <widget name="lang" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Lang</label>

    <widget name="maxlength" type="int">
        <label mode="any">Max length</label>

    <widget name="required" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Required</label>

    <widget name="size" type="int">
        <label mode="any">Size</label>
      <controls mode="any">
        <control name="deprecatedVersion">6.0</control>
        <control name="deprecatedDescription">Size must now be set in css, not with the size attribute</control>

    <widget name="validator" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Validator</label>

    <widget name="valueChangeListener" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Value change listener</label>

    <widget name="redisplay" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Redisplay</label>

    <widget name="textarea_cols" type="int">
        <label mode="any">Number of columns</label>

    <widget name="textarea_rows" type="int">
        <label mode="any">Number of rows</label>

    <widget name="datetime_pattern" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Pattern</label>
        <label mode="any">
          String pattern for the date and time, as described by
          the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, and as used in the standard
          DateTimeConverter. Default value is "MMM d, yyyy". Sample value:
          "#{nxu:basicDateFormatter()}" or "#{nxu:basicDateAndTimeFormatter()}".

    <widget name="datetime_timeZone" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Time zone</label>
        <label mode="any">
          String timeZone ID. The server time zone is
          used if not

    <widget name="datetime_format" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Format</label>
        <label mode="any">
          String format for the date and time, as described by
          the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class, and as used in the standard
          DateTimeConverter. Default value is "MMM d, yyyy". Sample value:
          "#{nxu:basicDateFormatter()}" or "#{nxu:basicDateAndTimeFormatter()}".

    <widget name="datetime_locale" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Locale</label>
        <label mode="any">
          String representing the locale to use for
          the calendar.
          Current locale is used if not set.
        <option itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
        <option itemLabel="Catalan" itemValue="ca"/>
        <option itemLabel="Chinese" itemValue="cn"/>
        <option itemLabel="Czech" itemValue="cz"/>
        <option itemLabel="Deutsch" itemValue="de"/>
        <option itemLabel="English" itemValue="en"/>
        <option itemLabel="Spanish" itemValue="es"/>
        <option itemLabel="French" itemValue="fr"/>
        <option itemLabel="Italiano" itemValue="it"/>
        <option itemLabel="Japanese" itemValue="jp"/>
        <option itemLabel="Nederlands" itemValue="nl"/>
        <option itemLabel="Polish" itemValue="pl"/>
        <option itemLabel="Portuguese" itemValue="pt"/>
        <option itemLabel="Romanian" itemValue="ro"/>
        <option itemLabel="Russian" itemValue="ru"/>
        <option itemLabel="svenska" itemValue="sv"/>

    <widget name="datetime_timeZone" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Time zone</label>
        <label mode="any">
          String timeZone ID. The server time zone is used if
          not set.

    <widget name="datetime_triggerImg" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Trigger image</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Image path to use for the trigger. Available since

    <widget name="datetime_triggerLabel" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Trigger label</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Label to display on the trigger image. Defaults to

    <widget name="datetime_triggerStyleClass" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Trigger style class</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Style class to set on the trigger button tag, defaults
          to 'calendarTrigger'.

    <widget name="file_downloadLabel" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Download label</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Value binding that will be used as the download link
          value, and will attempt to be translated.

    <widget name="file_iconRendered" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Icon rendered</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Boolean flag indicating whether or not the file icon
          should be rendered. Defaults to true.
        <option itemLabel="Yes (default value)" itemValue="true"/>
        <option itemLabel="No" itemValue="false"/>

    <widget name="htmltext_disableHtmlInit" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Disable HTML init</label>
        <label mode="any">
          If set to true, the default display will be
          the text
          (not html editor). Available since 5.3.1.
        <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
        <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>

    <widget name="htmltext_width" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Width</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The textarea width. Defaults to "640".
          Give the exact
          size in pixels or percentage.

    <widget name="htmltext_height" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Height</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The textarea height. Defaults to "400".
          Give the exact
          size in pixels or percentage.

    <widget name="htmltext_editorSelector" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Editor selector</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The class to use to identify text areas to turn into
          html editors. Defaults to "mceEditor". See the editor_selector option
          in TinyMCE
        <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
        <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>

    <widget name="htmltext_configuration" type="textarea">
        <label mode="any">JSON configuration</label>
        <label mode="any">
          JSON configuration map for TinyMCE initialization, that will be merged
          with default configuration. Available since 8.1.
          Example: {"toolbar4": "paste"}

    <widget name="directoryName" type="selectOneResource">
        <label mode="any">Vocabulary</label>
        <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
      <properties mode="any">
        <property name="resourceName">vocabularies</property>
      <properties widgetMode="any">
        <property name="required">true</property>

    <widget name="directoryNameDemoPreview" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Vocabulary</label>
        <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
        <mode value="edit_demo_preview">view</mode>
      <properties widgetMode="any">
        <property name="required">true</property>

    <widget name="directory_localize" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Localize</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Activate localization of vocabulary labels. Labels are
          translated as usual picking values in messages*.properties files.
          Database localization should also be activated if localized labels
          are provided by the vocabulary itself.
        <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>

    <widget name="directory_dbl10n" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Activate database localization</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Activate retrieval of localized labels in the
          vocabulary database, when translations are held by the directory
          itself, in fields with a label_[lang] pattern, and defaulting to
          label_en. Available since 6.0.
        <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>

    <widget name="directory_displayIdAndLabel" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Display id and label</label>

    <widget name="directory_style" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Style</label>

    <widget name="directory_cssStyle" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Style</label>

    <widget name="directory_cssStyleClass" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Style class</label>

    <widget name="directory_styleClass" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Style class</label>

    <widget name="directory_displayObsoleteEntries" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Display obsolete entries</label>

    <widget name="directory_notDisplayDefaultOption" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Do not display the default option</label>
        <label mode="any">
          True if there should not be displayed a "Please select
          a value" option

    <widget name="directory_ordering" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Sort criterion</label>
        <option itemLabel="Label (default)" itemValue="label"/>
        <option itemLabel="Ordering" itemValue="ordering"/>
        <option itemLabel="Id" itemValue="id"/>

    <widget name="complex_subwidgets_display" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Display</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The display attribute controls the rendering of
          subwidgets. Available since 5.4.2.
        <!-- block-like renderings available since 5.6 -->
        <option itemLabel="Block (label on the left, default)" itemValue="block_left"/>
        <option itemLabel="Block (label on top)" itemValue="block_top"/>
        <option itemLabel="Table" itemValue="table"/>
        <option itemLabel="In line" itemValue="inline"/>

    <widget name="list_subwidgets_display" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Display</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The display attribute controls the rendering of
          subwidgets. Available since 5.4.2.
        <option itemLabel="Block (label on the left, default)" itemValue="block_left"/>
        <option itemLabel="Block (label on top)" itemValue="block_top"/>
        <option itemLabel="Table" itemValue="table"/>
        <option itemLabel="In line" itemValue="inline"/>

    <widget name="subwidgets_hideSubLabels" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Hide subwidgets labels</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This attribute controls the rendering of subwidgets
          labels. Available since 5.4.2.

    <widget name="list_diff" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Diff</label>

    <widget name="list_orderable" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Orderable</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This attribute controls the possibility to order the
          items. Available since 5.5.

    <widget name="list_hideDeleteButton" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Hide delete button</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This attribute controls the possibility to remove the
          'delete' button for each list item. Available since 5.6.

    <widget name="list_hideAddButton" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Hide add button</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This attribute controls the possibility to remove the
          'add' button to add an item to the list. Available since 5.6.

    <widget name="list_listTemplateItem" type="text">
        <label mode="any">List template item</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This attribute enables to control the template for
          each item that needs to be added to the list. In most common cases,
          this value is deduced from the field definition, using the expression:
          This needs to be adapted for subwidgets (when handling lists of lists
          for instance) or when using this widget on another object that a
          DocumentModel property. For instance, for a subwidget, you can use:
          Available since 5.6.

    <widget name="list_removeEmpty" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Remove empty item(s)</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This boolean attribute allows to remove null items from the list on edit.
          Items are only removed when there are changes to the list items.
          Available since 7.3.

    <widget name="list_number" type="int">
        <label mode="any">Number of open item(s)</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This integer attribute allows to set the number of new items that should
          be opened when displaying the list widget.
          Available since 7.3.

    <widget name="list_addLabel" type="text">
        <label mode="any">'Add' action label</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This string attribute allows to configure the label used for
          the 'add' action on the list widget. It is translated if the widget
          is marked as translated.
          Available since 7.3.

    <widget name="container_subwidgets_display" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Display</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The display attribute controls the rendering of
        <option itemLabel="Block (label on the left, default)" itemValue="block_left"/>
        <option itemLabel="Block (label on top)" itemValue="block_top"/>
        <option itemLabel="Table" itemValue="table"/>
        <option itemLabel="In line" itemValue="inline"/>

    <widget name="container_subwidgets_hideSubLabels" type="checkbox">
        <label mode="any">Hide subwidgets labels</label>
        <label mode="any">
          This attribute controls the rendering of subwidgets

    <widget name="widgetsDisplay" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Widgets Display</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The display attribute controls the rendering of
        <option itemLabel="Label on the left (default)" itemValue="label_left"/>
        <option itemLabel="Label on top" itemValue="label_top"/>
        <option itemLabel="No Label" itemValue="no_label"/>

    <widget name="select_layout" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Layout</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The select layout binding.
        <option itemLabel="Line direction (default)" itemValue=""/>
        <option itemLabel="Page direction" itemValue="pageDirection"/>
        <option itemLabel="Line direction" itemValue="lineDirection"/>

    <widget name="select_layout_page_default" type="selectOneListbox">
        <label mode="any">Layout</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The select layout binding.
        <option itemLabel="Page direction (default)" itemValue=""/>
        <option itemLabel="Page direction" itemValue="pageDirection"/>
        <option itemLabel="Line direction" itemValue="lineDirection"/>

    <widget name="select_selectOptions" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Select Options</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The select options binding.
        <mode value="any">hidden</mode>
        <mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
        <mode value="view_reference">view</mode>

    <widget name="select_var" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Variable</label>
        <label mode="any">
          The variable name for select options expressions
          resolution. Usually defaults to 'item'.

    <widget name="select_itemLabel" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Item label</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Expression referencing the variable name to display
          the option label.

    <widget name="select_itemValue" type="text">
        <label mode="any">Item label</label>
        <label mode="any">
          Expression referencing the variable name to display
          the option id.
